Multi Factor Authentication Fatigue

Multi Factor Authentication Fatigue

Cyber security wordt steeds belangrijker. Met de toenemende digitalisering neemt ook de dreiging van cybercrime toe. De vraag is niet meer of u ermee te maken krijgt, maar wanneer en in welke vorm. Vandaag focussen we op Multi Factor Authentication Fatigue.


Michiel Kodde

12 oktober 2023

Slack - Tools we use
#tech #organisatie

Slack - Tools we use

Het is in deze thuiswerkperiode een must voor een vlotte werking binnen elk bedrijf; een goede tool voor interne communicatie.


Monica Lous

18 november 2020

Analyse your code!

Analyse your code!

As projects grow in size and complexity, it can be easy to get lost in your own code base. Does this function return X, or Y. Can it return null? Does the doc block still match the function? Is this function even used anymore? We will use static analysis to answer these questions, and identify potential problems in our code. We will dive into what static analysis is, and a few of the tools that are available.

TypeScript: Our approach to developing JavaScript applications

TypeScript: Our approach to developing JavaScript applications

At Ibuildings, when we do JavaScript/NodeJs development, we actually use TypeScript. TypeScript is an open-source programming language created and maintained by Microsoft. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript which means that any JavaScript file is valid TypeScript. But why do we use TypeScript? With this post I want to share our approach to developing JavaScript applications.


Martin Roest

25 april 2019

Keeping track of your dependencies

Keeping track of your dependencies

As a software engineer that mostly practices object oriented programming (OOP) I value principles like SOLID. When architecting apps I prefer a layered approach. I have typical layers like Application, Domain and Infrastructure. This helps me separate concerns and build a maintainable codebase. With this post I want to share how I try to create loosely coupled and maintainable software.


Martin Roest

29 november 2018

From plain website to Progressive Web App

From plain website to Progressive Web App

Progressive Web App(PWA) is a term that has been thrown around quite a lot lately. But what exactly is a PWA? And how do we update our plain old website to be a cool hip PWA? Together we will explore how we can go from our current website to a full-fledged PWA. We will learn a thing or two about service workers, the offline web, and cross-browser compatibility.

Example Mapping in behavior driven development (BDD)

Example Mapping in behavior driven development (BDD)

In this article I want to talk about the use of behavior driven development (BDD) frameworks. BDD Frameworks let you create executable specifications which you can use for automated testing and documentation. Popular frameworks include Cucumber, Behat, Behave, etc. They all implement Gherkin as a specification language.


Martin Roest

23 juli 2018

Content Security Policies

Content Security Policies

A couple of days ago I was at the Dutch PHP Conference where I went to a talk about [Content Security Policies by Matt Brunt. Although we follow the OWASP top ten list, I never dived into them that much. We have written a bit about them before, but I want to go a little further since they are really handy when trying to prevent XSS attacks.


Wessel van der Linden

18 juni 2018

11e editie - Dutch PHP Conference
#tech #nieuws

11e editie - Dutch PHP Conference

Ibuildings organiseert elk jaar een internationale conferentie rond PHP technologie: de Dutch PHP Conference (DPC). Afgelopen week was alweer de 11e editie van onze succesvolle conferentie waar zo’n 630 developers, software architecten en community leden in de Amsterdamse RAI bij elkaar komen.


Tom Schenkenberg

5 juli 2017

Technical skills at Ibuildings
#tech #organisatie

Technical skills at Ibuildings

For many years Ibuildings has had a formalized way of reviewing people’s skill sets. This system enables tracking of skills and relative changes in those skills over the years, across the organization.


Matthias Noback

25 januari 2017